Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Olivia & Owen

Such cute names for two adorable little kids. Olivia definitely was done with this picture taking business from the minute she walked in the door. You can only imagine what goes through a little girl's mind as this strange woman is coming after her with this large black contraption. I would probably be mortified as a one-year old as well.


However, I do love both of these shots. Just a hint of a smile in both of their eyes... which is just enough. Perfect!


Such a cute little guy. Well done on the outfit, Mom!


Her hair and eye combination is so beautiful. Rarely do you see a red head with awesome brown eyes like this. Such a pretty girl!




Our last attempt to get these two together. Honestly, I still don't have a good shot with my two children together. If they're not willing, then they're not willing and that's the way it is. But I still love these for the fact that they're candid... my fav!