So I have to admit... I'm one of those that was shooting in AUTO... yep, you heard it straight from the woman herself. To be honest, I didn't know the first thing about manual until yesterday... I was so privileged to be able to attend a Manual Class taught by these two lovely ladies below. And can I just say... the world through my lens will never be the same!! I think this may be the start of a wonderful life for me and my little camera! And I have these two girls to thank!!
This amazing photographer is Marissa Vargason. You can see her work here.
We actually went to High School together but hadn't seen eachother for almost 10 years until yesterday. It was great to be able to see her again. I am so impressed with her talent. She is completely self-taught when it comes to manual and that in itself is inspiring!
These sample shots are some of my first pics shooting in manual... we practiced in shade and then in direct sunlight which is generally a photographer's nightmare.
It completely made a huge difference in my photos... especially the direct sunlight. I'm so excited to continue practicing this and exploring more types of lighting scenarios. Such a fun day!

And this cute girl is Annie West {Sweet Yesterdays Photography}. She is also such an inspiring photographer... so creative, I mean really creative! You can view her work here.
Thanks, ladies, for all of your help and inspiration!
**Oh, and by the way, I wanted to mention that I have recently changed my prices and so if you're interested in receiving a price list feel free to email me and I'd be happy to send it your way!