For Halloween this year my little man knew exactly what he wanted to be... the "BLUE" Batman. Not the black one, the blue one. He told me that the day he wore his costume to school there was another black batman there that told him that he wasn't really batman. And I told him, "Anyone who tells you that you're not batman... you just tell them that you're the ORIGINAL Batman." It was so cute to hear him say "original." And he would say it over and over... "I'm the original Batman!"
He is seriously so fun to shoot and especially when he got in this costume. He channeled Batman as much as he could... LOL!! He is one of the most beautiful little boys I have ever met. And I love that he is mine.

And then there's this girl. Batman's right hand woman... Wonder Woman. I was thrilled when she allowed me to get this costume for her. Her top pick for her costume every year would be a princess (of course) but I'm mean and won't let her. However, I do think she had just as much fun acting like a super hero with her brother and, honestly, I didn't see ONE little girl with that same costume. She wore it proudly! I love that she's such a poser...

Oh, and then what super hero squad would be complete without Super Girl... or in our case... "Super Mom!!" I usually don't dress up for Halloween anymore but as my kids get older I think I just might start again. I loved doing this together.
Our Halloween weather was absolutely perfect. We could not have asked for a better night. And now Liam asks me everyday... When is it going to be Halloween again? Oh, Liam... it's going to be a long year... :(