This is my big brother. And in just a few short weeks he's "tying the knot" to this gorgeous beauty. This really is such an exciting time for our family because we've never seen him so happy. We're soooo happy that he's found someone that he adores and so happy for him to start this next phase of his life.
This shot is my absolute fav from last night. Aren't they the cutest?? And I love how their outfits are totally casual. Fits my brother to a "T."
Congratulations, Tim and Angie!

Also, I'm trying to decide how to put my logo on my pictures. I always liked it on the side but then realized that it's really, really easy for people to crop it off which kinda bugs. So should I just start putting it directly back on the picture itself? And maybe it would look better all white? Not sure... thoughts??